How Starbucks’ Design Process Keeps You Sipping In Style

Lauren Nixon
3 min readMay 10, 2021


How do you take your coffee?

Unfortunately for the coffee lovers of the 16th century, vanilla soy lattes weren’t an option. Coffee was once referred to as the “bitter invention of Satan” by the Catholic church — it was hot, earthy, and tart. Coffee has been a social drink for centuries, with coffee shops being a place of gathering, music, and study.

As the coffee industry grew over the years, coffee connoisseurs started to stylize the drink, and their creativity is what gave us the cafe menu that we’re so familiar with today. Coffee has also held on to its cultural and social significance throughout its evolution, and coffee shops still remain a very common place for community and socialization.

When you imagine a coffee shop, one image in particular probably comes to mind — a long haired siren, etched in green and white. Starbucks has monopolized the minds of coffee drinkers around the globe. Their combination of a high quality product and an iconic brand image has made them the front runners of the modern coffee industry.

“Starbucks Green”

Second only to the siren mascot, the color green is one of the most important pieces of Starbucks’ branding. Their specific tone of green was carefully curated for several functions, with visibility, presence, and recognition being among the most important.

The same tone of green is used in every Starbucks logo: a bold, rich tone known as Starbucks Green. Anything that is incredibly significant to the Starbucks brand, like employee aprons, is this hue of green.


Function vs. Expression

Starbucks separates their designs into two different categories: functional and expressive. Functional designs are reserved for things that help give the customer direction and information, like menus, cups, and bags. This allows the customer’s eye to be drawn directly to what is important, which limits confusion and provides clarity. Expressive designs are all about personality — their branded cups and gift cards have several different colorful designs and patterns to choose from, so the customer can match their own style.


Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

In the Dieline article “Inside the Studio: Starbucks Global Creative,” Starbucks design leader Jennifer Quoston discusses the team’s design process. There are several different people who have hands on each design before they are finalized —groups like the 2D promotional team, writing team, and packaging team all have a part in the design team’s process, and they all work together to make designs cohesive and brand aware.


Notable brands like Starbucks utilize the design process to its fullest extent. Ideas are created, research is conducted, and products are tested until the best results for the brand are produced. Although projects for a company like Starbucks are created at a global scale, it is important to recognize that these designs are not pumped out overnight — they are the result of a long and extensive process. So next time you pick up a Starbucks drink, take a moment to appreciate everything that goes into that cup of coffee.



Lauren Nixon

A Maryville University digital media major, doing her best to burn her own path.